Electronic Recycling Pickup in Calgary With a Purpose

Too often, seemingly damaged and obsolete equipment ends up in the landfill or worse, hurting our environment. Instead of having perfectly good equipment go to waste, Village Electronics Recycling believes that electronics can be repaired and repurposed for re-use, or even a completely different use! Emphasizing the diversion of materials like end of life cycle computers, electronics equipment, and e waste, we believe in teaming up with local and international charities to make a difference in their worlds. While many electronics recycling firms place tremendous emphasis on “making it disappear” or “getting rid of it”, we believe in reducing and reusing our technological environmental footprint for the benefit of the communities we serve.

Our Commitment to the Environment

Electronics may contain harmful materials which, if disposed of improperly, can leach into the ground water and poison the environment. While other electronic waste providers in Canada have in the past shipped electronics abroad, in which child labor, unsafe working conditions, and poor environmental regulations prevail. At Village Electronics Recycling, we are committed to primarily reusing and adaptively-reusing of all items donated to us. However not all items received may have a re-use, or they are broken, so they will have to be further broken down or scrapped. Village Electronics Recycling only partners with local and regional recycling partners for the proper, safe disposal of electronic waste.

Our Values

Electronics may contain harmful materials which, if disposed of improperly, can leach into the ground water and poison the environment. While other electronic waste providers in Canada have in the past shipped electronics abroad, in which child labor, unsafe working conditions, and poor environmental regulations prevail. At Village Electronics Recycling, we are committed to primarily reusing and adaptively-reusing of all items donated to us. However not all items received may have a re-use, or they are broken, so they will have to be further broken down or scrapped. Village Electronics Recycling only partners with local and regional recycling partners for the proper, safe disposal of electronic waste.
We believe in a Village that is:
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