Used Electronic Recycling Pickup With a Difference

Step 1
Peace of mind included

We are happy to arrange a used electronics recycling pickup for you and your organization. Your electronics make a difference to the communities we serve. Play it smart with your electronic waste and have it handled it locally and properly!

Review what we accept, and book a pickup now!

Step 2
Secure your data

At Village Electronics Recycling, the security of your data is of utmost importance. Apart of our used electronics recycling pickup and drop off, we offer certificates of data destruction, whether you want your data wiped with software or physically destroyed and recycled outright. We do not just talk data security: we live it. At VER, your data is destroyed by default. DO NOT TAKE CHANCES WITH YOUR DATA!

Step 3
We do it right

Not only do we offer used electronics recycling pickup, we remove your data from any devices before we test items that we receive for re-usability. Items that cannot be re-used are properly broken down for reusable parts and components, while unusable components are recycled for re-use. The struggle of electronic waste ending up in landfills has gone too far and we need to eliminate this! That is why we are dedicated to sustainability in everything we do.

Step 4
We give back
village electronics recycling gives back to the calgary community and charities

In the 21st century, it is difficult to do anything without access to an electronic device. From finding bus schedules, to writing resumes, to learning new skills. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have these devices to work and learn. That is why Village Electronics Recycling donates a portion of usable and refurbished electronics to those in need.

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